Rick is Managing Director of Arter Kirkwood & Associates, a developer of custom mobile apps for business. His areas of expertise include strategy, project and program management and all things lean and agile. He is a Scrum Master and is certified in User Experience (UX) by the Nielsen Norman Group (NN/g).

Daily Scrums with Distributed Teams

No different to any other business, we seek out the best developers to work with. Even if that means working with individuals from across the country or overseas, despite this creating challenges from a team collaboration and communication perspective. This can be that much more of a challenge when operating within an agile software development […]

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Managing custom developed iOS Apps for internal, company-use

Deploying and managing proprietary, company-owned, iOS Apps within business can be a challenge with the myriad of Apple program and distribution channels to navigate (this a whole area of exploration in its own right and we’ll do just that in a  future blog). Ensuring employees, customers, suppliers, partners, etc have the latest App features including […]

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How We Develop Mobile Applications

At Arter Mobilize, we generally commission each mobile application development project with a concept design exercise that fleshes out the ‘look and feel’ of the App such that it’s form and function become clear and agreeable to everyone. Estimates for the time and cost needed to bring that concept to reality allows for the concept […]

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How We Fix-Price Work

Traditional fixed-price models call for fixing the scope of work before fixing the costs to deliver that work. This typically leads to design overkill as the team tries to understand every little detail upfront before feeling confident to declare a fixed price. Analysis-paralysis results, forever designing and never developing. And once underway, if the scope […]

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Native Apps vs Mobile Web: Comparing and Contrasting

Let’s use this understanding of mobile apps being locally-installed and device specific and mobile web being centrally-hosted and device agnostic to further compare and contrast each. Supporting multiple devices is an obvious area of contrast. With mobile apps, multiple code lines need to be developed and maintained for a solution that spans different mobile operating […]

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Native Apps vs Mobile Web: Heads or Tails?

In business, the workplace has moved back and forth between centralized and distributed computing models as it strives to balance controlling costs with responding quickly to change with providing a quality experience and outcome. We’ve seen business applications reside in whole on centralized infrastructure, in whole on end client devices and across both. No one […]

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Native Apps vs Mobile Web: The Apple Factor

Mobile apps versus mobile web. Why is there a debate, how long has it been going and who’s winning? To understand the difference between mobile apps and mobile web is to better understand the answer to these questions. First, the history. When the debate began and why? From the word “mobile”, it doesn’t take much […]

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iOS devices at work…who, where, how??

So, how are iOS devices being used in the workplace today?  Most organizations are using them “out of the box”, leveraging features and Apps that come with the device.  They are also relying heavily upon the wealth of Apps publicly available “off the shelf” in the App Store.   Relatively speaking, a very small number […]

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iOS devices at work…manageability

Going hand-in-hand with security is asset management or mobile device management (MDM).   MDM is instrumental to security: delivering and updating security profiles, remotely wiping and/or locking devices, clearing passcodes, etc.  MDM goes much beyond security however.   MDM is critical to the efficient and effective everyday administration of iOS devices, ensuring they are complying […]

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